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The Day After the Storm


The weather in England has been very much the main news in the last day or two. It is fortunate that our part of the country seems to be spared the worst excesses of the weather, and many times when the forecast is poor, the reality here is fine!

If you are visiting us and find a poor forecast, it is always best to check on Facebook or by email - just to see what it is really like. Many days this summer we have had great weather when the forecast was not so good. The BBC is particularly bad in this respect, and the Met Office, and especially have proven much more reliable.

At Hamerton we are very pleased that the storm of Monday 28th October 2013 passed us by. We record maximum wind speeds daily, and around mid-day on the 27th we recorded 23.3m/s (which is 52.6mph), but the winds today have been considerably lower than this.

Earlier this year, on 31st January 2013, the wind reached 65.3mph, but this did not make the news. On neither occasion did the weather give us any problems or cause any damage.