Latest News

New Arrivals...

New Arrivals...


From today, the path beyond the road-train and Foxes will be closed. Our Servals will be visible as usual from the path coming back through the tiger-tunnel. Both of these will be dead-ends, but no animals will not be on show as all enclosures will be accessible as normal.

This path closure is to allow some very special new arrivals which came to the park yesterday, to settle in without too much disturbance during the busy holidays. It will be re-opened as soon as we are happy that the new arrivals are happy with their new routines.

Several animals from a number of species, some new to the Park, formed the consignment which arrived at London Heathrow. These will be moved into their new homes over the next few months as developments progress.

We will post more information here and on social media as soon as we can.