Javan Binturongs Arrive...
The Binturong is a fascinating native of Sourt-East Asia. It is a relative of Civets and Genets, in the family 'Viverridae', These unusual animals have been kept at Hamerton for many years, and several babies have been born and raised. We have just welcomed a new pair into our collection. These two are Javan Binturongs and the first new blood-line to reach Europe for decades, having been born at a specialist conservation centre in Indonesia. World Binturong Day helps raise awareness for this declining species; and is being held this year on Saturday next, 13th May. Talks and displays are being held at our new enclosure which houses one of our original pairs, along with a family of Short-clawed Otters. More information about Binturong Day can be found on our 'Facebook' page - just click on the link below.