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Fundraising for Cheetahs...

Fundraising for Cheetahs...


Our team of 5 are all safely back on terra-firma following their Sky-Dive yesterday at Sibson Airfield near Peterborough. This sponsored fund-rasing jump was organised by Rosa earlier in the year with the hope of collecting £1500 for the Cheetah Conservation Fund's work with wild Cheetahs, habitat preservation and education, in Namibia. The news story below with the parachute gives a link to the JustGiving page set up to receive the funds and donations. So far over £6000 has been donated, more than 4 times Rosa's original target. Hundreds of supporters have pledged money: and a large crowd of well-wishers were at Sibson to record the day, including film-crews from Anglia, BBC Look-East TV and other local media. We plan to keep the campaign open until our 'Cheetah Day on August 9th 2017.