
Hamerton Zoological Park has been playing a vital role in animal conservation since 1990 and still continue to do so to this day.

With our ever increasing collection of rare and endangered animals and birds, we feature nearly 100 different species.

Conservation Stories

  • Anatolian Shepherd Dog with Cheetah

    Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia


    The Cheetah Conservation Fund is the primary conservation body involved in helping to save the most enigmatic of wild cats in Namibia, its last remaining stonghold in Africa, where a third of the surviving Cheetahs live. A major part of their work i... [more]

  • Giant Anteater

    Giant Anteater Survey in Brazil


    Giant Anteater radio-tracking in the Brazillian Pantanal. With its stange appearance this animal is a charasmatic large mammal species from this area of Brazil. It is an important flag-ship species for the local ecosystems, which include light fores... [more]

  • Poitou Donkey jennies 'Salsa' and 'Quenotte'

    Donkey rescue from the brink of Extinction


    The rescue story of a donkey would be expected to be a heart renching tale of miss-treatment of some unfortunate beast of burden or seaside performer, especially in Britain where the donkey is also often seen as something of a joke. In many other pa... [more]

  • Endurance Wind Turbine

    Renwewable Energy


    Our two new wind turbines were erected during the second half of November 2012. They are Endurance E3120 machines made in Canada and mounted on 36m mono-pole towers. In the wind speeds at the Park proved by the two original Gaia turbines, the new o... [more]

  • Gaia Wind Turbine

    Conserving Natural Resources


    The rolling countryside of this part of west Cambridgeshire (formerly Huntingdonshire), indeed is often referred to as the 'Huntingdonshire Wolds'. It is an agricultural landscape, formed by a patchwork of lightly wooded valleys and more open higher... [more]

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