Animal Gallery: Marsupials etc
Bennett's Red-necked Wallaby
Albino Bennetts Wallaby
Albino Bennetts Wallaby
Bennetts Wallaby with young pouch joey
Bennett's Red-necked Wallabies
Parma or White-throated Wallabies
Parma Wallabies
Black Pademelons - Wallabia bicolor has a huge range in eastern Australia. Northern and southern populations are dramatically different in appearance, and some authorities list many distinct sub-species. The dark animals from the south are known locally as 'Black Stinker' or 'Black Pademelon'.
Black Pademelons - from our original stock received via CZ from the USA
Long-nosed Potoroo
Long-nosed Potoroos
Long-nosed Potoroo
Brush-tailed Bettong
Brush-tailed Possum
Brush-tailed Possums
Mainland Wombat
Short-beaked Echidna
New Guinea Ground Cuscus
Squirrel Glider

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