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Yet Another New Species...

Yet Another New Species...


2023 was always going to be something of a year of 'catch-up' following the problems of Covid, and the on-going difficulty of animal movement with the EU following Brexit. For this reason we have focussed on completing plans already in place to bring in animals from further away.

In addition to our new pair of Jackals, last week we were very pleased to receive a new species for the Park, one we have never had the chance to look after before, the Bat-eared Fox. This beautiful little fox is quite unlike any other species and is the World's only insectivorous canid. Our new pair are unrelated to each other and were born in a zoo in South Africa.

They have been settling in indoors, and only had access to their outdoor enclosure yesterday, for the first time. Still quite shy, we dont expect them to venture out much during the day for the next week or so, as the Park is very busy in the school holidays.

Surely, after such a miserable summer we can look forward to a nice settled and warm autumn - so they will have plenty of time to get used to their new home!