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Some More New Arrivals...

Some More New Arrivals...


We are pleased to welcome a new male Maned Wolf as a mate for our female. The new young male is called 'Zorro' and came from another zoo in the UK on the recommendation of the European breeding programme (EEP). Nervous to start with and upset by the move, he is now settling in well.
In addition, two new species of birds are now on display at the Park, having just completed their statutory isolation period.
Australian Wonga Wonga Pigeons, were kept here many years ago and have just made a welcome return. Two pairs will eventually live in the central aviary block.
A new species for us is the Roadrunner, which is a strange looking relative of the cuckoos, found in the deserts of the southern United States, where it hunts for reptiles and insects on the ground.
Both of these species have arrived from Paignton Zoo.