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Animal Moves Galore...

Animal Moves Galore...


Usually animal moves take place in the autumn after our busy public season is over, but not this year!
Two years of delays caused by Covid restrictions, and now delays in documentation and logistics caused by Brexit and working-from-home, mean that we have to move animals when we can. International breeding programmes are being hit by huge rises in the cost of moving animals, over 400% in some cases.
Despite this over the past couple of weeks we have sent three pairs of Hamerton born Binturongs to other collections. This is in addition to the pair moved earlier in the year, making eight animals in total, all born here at the Park.
Several other moves will happen soon too, we hope.
So far this year we have received a female Cacomistle from the USA and Cheetahs from South Africa, plus a new monkey species never kept at Hamerton before. These should move on-show soon after their isolation period is complete, and full details will be announced as soon as we can.